Our Approach
Reframe is an evidence-based training program that supports frontline professionals working with vulnerable children and young people with neurodisabilities including Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). It is an evidence-based training that was developed in consultation with youth in detention and justice professionals during the Telethon Kids Institute Banksia Hill study.
In its current format, Reframe is a 4-hour face to face workshop that involves blended learning techniques which are faciliated by expert presenter, Dr Hayley Passmore.
$300* per participant (4-hour training workshop)
- 50% discount available on request for Non-Government Organisations and Not-for-Profit Organisations.
Reframe Training workshops can be delivered to a minimum of 15 participants and no greater than 30 participants.
The workshops include a combination of lectures, group discussions, peer to peer learning, and viewing of short, educational videos. The use of film has been found to be a highly effective method of improving participants’ understanding and receptiveness to the information. The video format was deemed beneficial for participants, and could be adapted to different sectors.
Topics covered incluce an introduction to neurodisabilities including FASD; understanding the behavioural presentations in those living with neurodisabilities; and strategies to assist managing behaviours that are appropriate for use in a variety of sectors.
Specifically, the areas of neurodevelopment discussed are:
memory and learning,
language and communication,
adaptive function,
attention and sensory processing,
executive function,
motor skills,
academic function, and
Reframe Training was developed following an extensive two-year consultation process with young people in detention and professionals in the Western Australian justice and health sectors. This program was initially tailored for the youth justice workforce but has been identified as having great relevance to a variety of other workforces who interact with individuals with complex needs and behaviours. These include the child protection, education, police, adult corrections and community justice, community services and disability sectors.